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Grow with Hidden Villa

Thank you for visiting Hidden Villa! Below, you will find growing instructions for your seeds. Simply match the symbol stamped on your seed packet with the symbol below to learn how to grow your plants. Keep scrolling down and you will also learn more about how you can grow with the Hidden Villa community.

   Salad Mix (Arugula, Kale, Lettuce)

Seed Starting: Plant directly into ground or in a container as soon as early spring until late fall. Plant each seed 3-5 inches apart. The plant starts to germinate (emerges from the soil) in 5-10 days.

Care: For best yields, grow in full to part sunny location in cool spring and fall weather in well- draining and fertile soil. If transplanting, (moving from one container to the ground or bigger container) do so when the plant has 4-6 leaves.

Harvest: When the plant grows at least 10 leaves, harvest outer leaves to the base, leaving at least 6 inner leaves for continued growth. Continue harvesting outer leaves until plant starts to bolt (form flower head). Flowers are edible and great in salads.


  Titan Sunflower

Seed Starting: Plant directly into ground or in a container in early spring until late summer. Plant each seed 12-18 inches apart. The plant starts to germinate (emerges from the soil) in 5-7 days. For succession planting, repeat planting every 2-3 weeks.

Care: For best growth, plant in full sun location in spring and summer in well-draining and fertile soil. If transplanting, (moving from one container to the ground or bigger container) do so when the plant has 4-6 leaves.

Harvest: For seed harvest, when the seeds have formed and are firm to the touch, cut the base of the flower and hang in a cool, dry location until fully dried. When the seeds are fully dried, remove them from the flower head and store in a paper bag in a cool, dry location until use.


California Poppy

Seed Starting: Plant directly into ground or in a container in early spring or late fall. Plant each seed 4-8 inches apart. The plant starts to germinate (emerges from the soil) in 10-15 days.

Care: These beautiful plants need very little care!  They are native to our area, are drought tolerant, and will even grow in poor soil.  Occasional watering will extend their season of growth.



About Your Seeds:

Your seeds were grown and harvested by Luna Vez Farm, a local farm in Los Altos Hills.  Learn more about Luna Vez and farmer Runi by emailing him at [email protected]. Consider harvesting your own seeds just like farmer Runi does and you’ll be able to plant them every year!


Other ways to GROW with Hidden Villa:

There are so many ways to grow with us…
We invite you to attend programs, volunteer with us, or join our CSA. You might grow and learn in unexpected ways and feel more connected to the natural world!

And when you donate to Hidden Villa, you help the organization continue to grow and thrive. Thank you!
