Hidden Villa is open Tuesdays through Sundays. Please go to our visit page to learn more.

I was introduced to Hidden Villa by Dr. Robert Bullock, a family friend who took me to the ranch to “see the little pigs”. I fell in love with the place (especially the baby pigs) at first sight and was fortunate enough to spend the summers of 1965 and 1966 as a summer camper. I was a Cabin Boy my first summer and a Bluff Boy as a nine year-old. I have fond memories of Josephine Duveneck teaching us folk dancing in the big house and her husband Frank pulling a trailer full of hay with his tractor on evening hayrides. One of my prized possessions is a handwritten postcard from Mrs. Duveneck to my mother commending my progress in my second year as a camper. Today, some sixty years later I take great pride in seeing my granddaughter serve as a summer camp counselor at Hidden Villa.

-Gaither Loewenstein, Hidden Villa Camper ‘65-’66