Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Hidden Villa COVID Precautions and Program Cancellation Policies (Fall, 2021)

COVID Precautions

In order to help slow the spread of COVID and keep you and our Educators as safe as possible we have the following precautions in place: 

  • We require all participants and staff wear masks. 
  • Hidden Villa Staff and Program Volunteers are all vaccinated.
  • All program activities are conducted outside, and we have two designated, sheltered areas should weather conditions deteriorate throughout the program.
  • Our Outdoor Educator will maintain a 6 ft distance from participants to the best of our abilities.
  • We encourage participants to socially distance themselves from one another where possible.
  • Bathrooms are available and cleaned regularly.
  • Parking (for drop-off or for the duration of your program) is included in your program fee.
  • Hand sanitizer will be carried by all instructors and used frequently. Participants are encouraged to bring their own as well. 
  • We limit the number of visitors to the farm in order for each group to maintain the required distance from each other. 
  • We encourage program participants and property visitors to get vaccinated as possible.

General Cancellation Policy (for both in-person and virtual programs):

For a full refund (minus a $50 administrative fee), a written cancellation notification is required within 48 hours of your registration.  For a 50% refund, written cancellation notification is required more than 7 days before the start date of your program.  If you cancel 6 days or less from the start date of your program, there is no refund. (However, if you have an extenuating circumstance, let us know and we will consider an exception.)  We reserve the right to cancel any class that doesn’t reach a minimum number of students.  If we have to cancel the program for any reason, you will be provided with as much notice as possible, and receive a full refund.

Weather Cancellation Policy

We conduct programs rain or shine. In fact, some of our best programs are conducted in the rain as it is very much a part of nature! Rain has vast importance to the health of our farm and forest. If possible, bring or wear rain gear.  Please do not bring umbrellas as they can pose a safety hazard to young people. Hidden Villa has a limited number of disposable rain ponchos we can provide as supplies remain. We have designated two spacious outdoor sheltered areas where children can come out of the rain and drink hot beverages, should conditions deteriorate throughout their program.   (Please let us know if your child must not have sugar, as we sometimes serve hot cocoa.)

Should conditions at Hidden Villa become unsafe prior to the start of your program (i.e. if there are high winds, lightning, etc.), we will contact you by 8 a.m. on the morning of your program to cancel. You will also receive a full refund.  Rain, in and of itself, is not considered an unsafe condition

Air Quality Policy

In the event of excessive smoke in the air due to wildfires, Hidden Villa will close the farm when the AQI exceeds 150 in Los Altos Hills.  If this occurs, all visitors and program participants will receive full refunds. We do not provide refunds on cancellation requests for AQI below 150. On days with excessive smoke, please check our website for closure notifications before coming to the farm or email [email protected] for information.  

Cancellations due to COVID

We all recognize the challenge of offering programs within the changing COVID environment. With this in mind, we are following county, state, and federal guidelines. In the event we need to cancel a program due to government mandates or because of potential exposure or a confirmed case among Hidden Villa staff and the community, we will refund your money. If you need to cancel your participation due to illness, or a confirmed COVID case or exposure, Hidden Villa will not provide a refund.

Updated September 27, 2021