Hidden Villa is open Tuesdays through Sundays. Please go to our visit page to learn more.

Wolken Education Center

The Wolken Education Center was built in 1999 as the new programmatic hub for Hidden Villa. In an effort to highlight the beauty and function of sustainable building, the structure utilizes passive solar design, solar panels, and straw bale construction.

White House

The White House was built in 1860 to house overnight guests traveling by horse-drawn carriage to the coast, and later served as the owner’s residence until the Duveneck House was constructed. Today, the White House serves as a private residence for our residential...

White Barn

Constructed in 1860, the White Barn was used to house the horses pulling carriages of people and supplies traveling between the valley and the coast. The barn is still used today by our goats.


Built in 1937, this was the first Hostel on the Pacific Coast. The main building and bathrooms were sustainably rebuilt in 1999, with a ground source heat pump and radiant heating. The Hostel hosts many different types of groups and is the main gathering space for our...
Morgan Family Pavillion

Morgan Family Pavillion

The best casual picnic site at Hidden Villa for large groups, this covered area can accommodate up to 80 people and is conveniently located close to the Main Parking Lot and about 50 feet from Adobe Creek. Groups can book this space in advance for weekend use.