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Lunch with Green Town: A speaker Series at Lunch!


GreenTown is offering a lecture series for 5 weeks called, "Lunch with GreenTown", Tuesdays/Thursdays at noon, starting Feb. 23. This is a virtual program using Zoom, sponsored by the Los Altos Parks & Recreation Department. It is a free series hosted by environmental enthusiast Gary Hedden. Each unique lecture will have a guest speaker or speakers which are thematic with a Q&A at the end.

The theme is learning about interesting environmental topics important to Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. No matter what your interest, we're sure you'll find some topics relevant to your lifestyle and even learning and sharing goals. We hope you will join us!

Hidden Villa Farmer and Community Supported Agriculture Manager, Jason McKenny will lead a presentation, "Regenerative Agriculture" on March 9th, at noon as part of the series.  He will teach about the best practices at Hidden Villa as we help create a sustainable, healthy and just future for all.


Go to the PARKS & REC. website, create an account, find the class in the list of available adult classes (hint, search for activity number 360010), and click to add the class to the shopping cart. You will have to sign up for the Tuesday classes, and then separately the Thursday classes.

GreenTown will get the list of names from Parks and Recreation and send a Zoom link to all participants prior to each class.

Learn more about GreenTown Los Altos here: https://www.greentownlosaltos.org/.