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Wildlife Tracking for Beginners, part 2: Art of the Track, Oct. 7


It’s surprisingly easy to find evidence of animals wherever you may be, once you start looking. Learn what basic resources, techniques and principles could launch you into a lifetime of discovery. This class will focus on actual tracks and trails left by all sorts of animals (yes, even Owls leave cool tracks!) This class will also provide important tools for making the most of our field days on October 21st and November 4th.

This class is for motivated students of nature, regardless of age. Information will be presented at an adult level. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Good to Know

1. Heavy rain cancels, as most class activities take place outdoors. Dress in layers for variable weather.
2. Classes may involve 1-2 miles of gentle walking.
3. Brief indoor slide presentations will necessitate face masks until further notice. Masks are optional outdoors.


$30 per person.

If you are an individual planning to take 4 classes in the series, you can sign-up for the Seasonal Cycles Natural History Series Bundle on the previous page for $100 for any four classes.



Saturday, October 7

10 am - 12 pm