Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Response to COVID-19

UPDATED 3/31/2020


Dear Hidden Villa Community,

In this moment, our foremost concern is the health, safety, and well being of the entire community regarding the possible transmission of COVID-19.

As a precautionary measure, we believe it is best for Hidden Villa to close to the public effective Saturday, March 14 through June 22.

We have been following the recommended guidelines from the CDC and Santa Clara County and have been taking precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor changes and update you along the way.

You can stay connected from afar through social media to see what’s happening around the farm, fields, and trails!

Despite all of these changes, Hidden Villa’s mission has not changed. We remain committed to our work and will use this opportunity to work on special projects and strategic planning.

For the latest updates, please follow our social media accounts and website. We will also continue to communicate with you via email.

We truly appreciate your generous support and wish you and your family the very best health!

In gratitude and with best wishes,

Chris Overington

P.S. As a non profit, we rely on donations and would appreciate your gift to Hidden Villa to help us through this difficult period.