Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Corporate Partnership

Your next big idea might come from rolling up your sleeves at Hidden Villa!

Hidden Villa provides a wide variety of opportunities for corporate groups to strengthen relationships and grow as a team. We proudly work with a diverse group of foundations and corporations dedicated to helping fulfill our mission through in-kind gifts, matching funds, grants, volunteering, and critical Corporate Engagement.

Attract and Engage Your Employees

Our corporate members receive special access and invitations to exclusive events for your clients and your employees and their families. A corporate sponsorship offers your colleagues access to meaningful community connection, open space and 8 miles of hiking trails, and deep serenity in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Commit to Philanthropic Community Engagement

Becoming a corporate member demonstrates your company’s commitment to the community.  Make an investment in education and promote experiences that cultivate a love for nature, food, and one another in under served communities. A portion of your partnership dues are tax deductible.

Be Our Partner

Join us to make an immediate impact in you community and the environment, build a stronger and more effective team, and learn something new while having fun!

Partnership offers your company marketing opportunities, community awareness, and unique benefits. We will work with you to customize a rewarding, meaningful experience for your clients, employees, and their families tailored to your company’s goals.

Please contact our office anytime at (650) 949-9702 or [email protected]  with any questions.

Corporate Partnership Levels and Benefits

  • Manzanita Level $5,000-9,999

    • 50 Day Passes
    • 10% Discount on Season Passes for All Your Employees
    • Priority Access to Unique Facility Rentals
    • Business Team-Building & Service Opportunities
    Partner Now
  • Buckeye Level $10,000 - $24,999

    • 100 Day Passes
    • 20% Discount on Season Passes for Employees
    • Priority Access to Unique Facility Rentals, Team-Building and Service Opportunities
    • Invitation for Employees to Corporate Partner Family Day
    Partner Now
  • Toyon Level $25,000 - $49,999

    • All of the above PLUS:
    • 50 additional Day Passes
    • Lunch prepared with Hidden Villa's Bounty on the farm for up to 50 people
    Partner Now
  • Bay Laurel Level $50,000 - $99,999

    • All of the Above PLUS
    • Farm Roast for up to 100 people
    Partner Now
  • Big Leaf Maple Level $100,000 +

    • All of the above PLUS
    • Opportunity to Host Private, Family-Oriented Company Event
    Partner Now