Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration opens on January 18 at 9 a.m. Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

The three R’s, Garden Style

Reuse, Renew, and Recycle

Welcome to our World of Wonders Series! This page is perfect for learning about the 3 R’s of conservation: Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle. Get ready to investigate the human role of conservation as applied to our educational garden. Start with our welcome video – join us and sing along.


Begin your exploration & take the Hidden Villa Challenges!


Welcome to Hidden Villa. Are you ready for our three challenges?

1. Take Care.

2. Try Something New.



Trying new things is very important for exploring the world around you! Lets first learn a few important scientific tools so we can make observations, ask questions, and make connections on our journey.



I Notice, I Wonder…

Lets practice using our prompts!

1. First make observations using, “I notice…”

2. Now lets ask some questions about an object using, “I wonder…”

3. Finally lets pull everything together and make some connections using, “it reminds me of…”

These are the essential tools of a scientist!

Explore Click here for more our Student Guide that includes questions, resources and activities about this topic!


Now it is time to dive into our theme:


“The three R’s, Garden Style:”

Reuse, Renew, and Recycle


Teacher guides for each video are located at the bottom of this page.




Garden Tour

When visiting a garden it’s fun to use all five senses to explore. There are six plant parts that plants, animals, and humans need. The compost pile helps to recycle nutrients from plant matter back into the garden.

Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!



Six Plant Parts Song

Sing along with us as we learn the six plant parts song!

What is an example of…

a root you can eat?

a stem you can eat?

leaves you can eat?

flowers you can eat?

a fruit you can eat?

seeds you can eat?



Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Find out how the Three R’s can be applied to an Organic Garden. Can you think of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle more in your life?

Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!


How Germs and Pigs Help Our Crops

Explore how nitrogen fixation, cover crops, and our piglets play a role in Regenerative Agriculture!


Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!


What is next?


Have you investigated the questions and activities within your student guides?


What questions do you have for our Environmental Educator, during your LIVE session?


Not signed up for a LIVE session? To learn more about our virtual programs and to register click below.

Schools and Groups: Learn with us!

Individuals and Families: Learn with us!



Teacher’s Corner


Dear Teachers and Parents/Guardians using these resources,

We have made students guides for many of our W.O.W. Video series. Each student guide contains a section called:

  • “Know it all” meant as a comprehension corner with questions that have varying levels of difficulty related to the video.
  • “Digging Deeper” that will include links and resources to learn more about the topic(s) addressed in the video.
  • ”Try it” through a variety of activities meant to encourage learning away from the computer. These may be observation activities, crafts, games, writing prompts, or other creative activities supporting NGSS and video topics.

In creating these guides our intention was to allow a scope of options for educators to choose from that will best support their learners’ needs. Stay tuned for the roll out of our Student Worksheets. 


I Notice…


Garden Tour


Waste? Not?


How Germs and Pigs Help



We hope you enjoyed these videos and the experience of learning at Hidden Villa from your own home! Consider supporting Hidden Villa by making a donation.