Life Science
Taking Care of Farm Animal Basic Needs
ElearningThis video shows several examples of what farm animals need to live.
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Woodrats: Forest Engineers
ElearningThis video shows how woodrats build their shelters.
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Earth Science
Animals That Dig: Who Needs Bulldozers?
ElearningThis video shows several examples of how gophers and moles change the environment through their digging activities.
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Caring for the Wilderness
ElearningThis video shows examples of how farmers can work with the wilderness and protect natural resources and environments.
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Decomposers: Turning Scraps into Dirt
ElearningThis video show how worms change their environment by changing plant leftovers into soil.
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Grocery Shopping In the Woods
ElearningThis video gives examples of many natural and renewable resources used by the Ohlone Native Americans.
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Helping Birds Build Nests
ElearningThis video gives examples of how individuals can help preserve bird habitats.
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How Animals Make Their Homes: Woodrats
ElearningThis video shows how woodrats change their environment.
- Free
How Deer Affect Trees and the Entire Forest
ElearningThis video shows how deer change their environment.
- Free
How Hidden Villa Saves Rainwater the Easy Way
ElearningThis video gives examples of how rain water can be conserved.
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