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K – 1 Garden Exploration

Please enjoy these videos and experience learning at Hidden Villa from your own home! Consider supporting Hidden Villa by making a donation.

Teacher guides for each video are located at the bottom of this page.

​Welcome to the Garden

When walking through a garden, we should stay on the paths so that we keep ourselves and the plants safe. Also, we want to make sure to have slow, safe bodies. It is fun to use our five senses or “built-in tools” to explore the garden: looking tools, smelling tools, hearing tools, touching tools, and tasting tools.

Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!

Six Plant Parts Song

Sing along with us as we learn the six plant parts song!

Plant Needs and Chores

All living things have certain needs in order to survive. Plants and animals have some similar needs, like both needing water to survive, but they also have many differences. Plants need sunlight for energy, soil for nutrients, and space to grow. The reason we do garden chores is to make sure that all the plants’ needs are met, and we can grow healthy plants to eat.

Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!

Dig into Compost

At Hidden Villa, we value our soil and make sure we do everything we can to create a healthy soil system. One way we can create healthy soil is by composting. When we compost we are using the help of all the organisms in the compost, which we call the FBI. The FBI also benefits as it eats the leftover plant matter and animal waste and turns it into healthy soil.

Deeper Dig Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!

Teacher Guides

Welcome to the Garden


Help that Garden!


Dig into Compost