We’ll go exploring for the entirety of this class, in search of examples of the wide variety of fungi that occur at Hidden Villa during the rainy season.
These 5 plants are easy to find and identify in our area, and will help you begin the lifelong journey of using wild plants to enhance your household medical kit.
Wildflowers of many kinds are found along Hidden Villa’s trails and within and around our organic farm fields, and this is the time to see them at their best.
Early May is an especially fun time to pay attention to birds. Many will be at their showiest, singing their hearts out, defending territories, constructing nests, or perhaps already tending to their nestlings.
The Camper and Counselor Coordinator will provide support for our community through coaching, encouraging, and advocating for our counselor team. Additionally, they will provide specialized support for our campers as they navigate the camp experience. This coordinator will bring a positive, understanding and encouraging mindset to our camp community!